

Zelig / TV Show (Italy)

Soulway Entertainment / Record Label (China)

Spettacoli Pro / Events Organization (Italy)

Maurizio Lastrico / Actor & Comedian (Italy)

Bananas / Artists Management (Italy)

Gianluca Ferro / Musician & Instructor (Italy)

Associazione Musicale Time / Events Organization (Italy)

Giovanni Vernia / Comedian & Actor (Italy)

Clara Moroni / Music Producer & Songwriter (Italy)

Norma Gest / Company Services (Italy)

Terenzio Traisci / Business Psychologist (Italy)

Di Antonio Studio Legale / Lawyers (Italy)

Uj He / Music Producer (China)

Gianluca Impastato / Comedian & Actor (Italy)

Ashu / Songwriter & Musician (Italy)

Sony Music Italy / Record Label (Italy)

Pull Love / Apparel (Italy)

Chandra Soultress / Musician (France/China)

SDB / Business Strategies (Italy)

Beach Tennis School / Tennis School (Italy)

Corpo dei Vigili del Fuoco Pisa / Public Service (Italy)

Steve Saluto / Musician & Engineered (Italy)

Guitar Dojo / Guitar School (Italy)

Tair Shugayev / Musician (Germany)

Orchestra Lirica Toscana / Classical Orchestra (Italy)

Terre Del Sole Zerilli / Winery (Italy)

ViaVai Cafe / Lounge Bar (Italy)

Voodoo Story / Musician (France/China)

Daniele Odasso / Musician & Songwriter (U.S.A.)

Tempio Music Production / Record Label (Italy)

Jamie Meyer / Musician & Songwriter (Sweden/U.S.A.)

Il Volo Project / Business Solutions (Italy)

Riccardo Zezza Pardini / Musician & Songwriter (Italy)

Zaneta / Musician (Italy/Japan)

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